
The arrearage collection process occurs when a paycheck is adjusted which creates an amount owed by the employee to the University.  Employees who have arrearage balances due are notified directly by KU Payroll via email and a mailed letter.

KU Payroll can accept arrearage payments online or by check or money order. Cash payments are not accepted.

Arrearage Payment Options

Online payments for arrearage balances via electronic check or credit card can be made through the KU Payroll Receivables online portal.

Please have the following information ready:

  • KU Employee ID Number
  • Amount Due*
  • Payment Method

The KU Payroll Receivable portal is for KU Payroll arrearages only.  Please do not make any other type of payment through this service.  If you are unsure if your payment is for a Payroll arrearage, please contact our office before making the payment.

*There is a $5000.00 limit for each transaction on the portal.  If the balance owed is greater than $5000.00, you will need to complete multiple transactions.

Check or money orders should be made payable to The University of Kansas.  Payments can be made by:

  • Appointment in our office
  • Dropbox
  • Mail Payment


In-Person by Appointment

Contact our office by phone at 785-864-4385 or email at to schedule an appointment.



The dropbox is a depository located on the east side of Carruth O'Leary, built into the back of the building on the loading dock. The depository door needs to be pulled down until you see a space open, drop the envelope in the space, and push the door up all the way to close.

Your payment should:

  • Be in an envelope marked for Payroll.
  • Include the employee's legal name.
  • Include the purpose of the payment (ie. arrearage payment)


Mail Payment

KU Payroll

1246 West Campus Road, Room 236

Lawrence, KS 66045

Arrearage Information

The arrearage collection process occurs when a paycheck is adjusted that creates an amount owed by the employee to the University.

The Payroll Office typically receives paperwork from Human Resources, HR Pay, or Staff Benefits requesting a specific adjustment for the employee. We process these requests during our adjustment cycle, which happens once per pay period.

Although an arrearage may not have occurred due to any action by the employee, the employee is responsible for the amount owed. There are many different causes of an adjustment that could cause an arrearage. Here are some common reasons:

  • A change to a timesheet
  • Late reporting of time
  • Change in FICA status
  • Late enrollment in health insurance or retirement benefits
  • Adding a spouse or dependent to health insurance
  • Waiting period for health insurance waived
  • Late notification of a termination date
  • Late notification of a salary/pay rate change
  • Late notification of leave without pay

After the adjustment cycle has closed, the employee will receive an email and a letter by mail regarding the adjustment made to the paycheck(s). The email and letter give the specific information for each employee including:

  1. Pay periods affected
  2. Paycheck dates affected
  3. Gross amount of the adjustment
  4. Net amount of the adjustment due to the University
  5. Reason for the adjustment
  6. Payment options
  7. Response date / due date

The employee only owes the net amount of the adjustment. The gross amount of the adjustment is given for the employee’s records as this amount is subtracted from the year-to-date income and W-2 income.

The employee’s active or termination status with the University does not release responsibility for the amount owed. See the KU Payroll Related Arrearage Collection Policy for more information.

If an employee or former employee does not make payment, a second letter and email will be sent. The second letter gives the same information as the first, as well as notifying the employee of the date that the debt will be transferred to Student Account Services for collection if it has not been paid. Please refer to the Student Account Services website for information related to their collection procedures.